Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Though there was no french kiss

My last day in Paris, I killed the time in my hotel room, waiting for my flight back to Singapore. I felt weird, like I wanted to cry.But why, I actually don't know. Perhaps because I felt sad that I was leaving Paris without falling in love into the place -- yet. But then again, though my Paris experience was no French kiss nor a warm embrace, it was fairly an enriching experience. It did meet its main purpose, that is, for me to meet and bond with my teammates/colleagues. It has broken the aloneness barrier I have been feeling working remotely from my team. I learned new lessons about life and the French culture, and so I am still thankful of the experience.

Life can indeed be full of funny ironies. You may expect the worst but somehow things still has a way of coming to you in a way you didn't imagine. At the same time, you may also expect something good but you get surprised to find things come to you in a betterway. So love can still strike the second time around, just like when you pick a grape and taste it to find out it is not ripe enough, so you wait for the right time to make the perfect wine.

So for the mean time, au revoir, le Paris! but hopefully, a' bientot! ;0)

Saturday, July 15, 2006

The Faces of Paris

This is a picture that I just realized so many people would want to have to opportunity to take. For it means they have been to the City of Lights --- Paris, a city that needs no introduction.

I was not an exception. I too was just wondering before how the Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe, Seine River, and all the places I have seen in pictures and read in books and magazines would look like in reality. I was curious about this posh, chic and elegant reputation of Paris that makes people dream of one day going here.

So yes, I know I am blessed to be given the opportunity to see the City of Lights.
But then again, I think Paris, just like any other city, has many faces. Your Paris experience will now depend on which face it will show you...

Will it be its stiff and cold face?

Or its glittering persona trying to impress you?

You'd want to hope it will be it's warm lights that will welcome you.

Or its sunny face to cheer you.

For the besides the stiff and cold face, there is also its cloudy, gloomy, dark face.

But whichever face it is, one thing is for sure, Miss Congeniality is not enough, Miss Congeniality should speak in French.

Monday, July 03, 2006

8am at l'hotel Regina de Passy

So this is Paris, I write...

So many stories to tell but...I have to get over this jetlag first.