My last day in Paris, I killed the time in my hotel room, waiting for my flight back to Singapore. I felt weird, like I wanted to cry.But why, I actually don't know. Perhaps because I felt sad that I was leaving Paris without falling in love into the place -- yet. But then again, though my Paris experience was no French kiss nor a warm embrace, it was fairly an enriching experience. It did meet its main purpose, that is, for me to meet and bond with my teammates/colleagues. It has broken the aloneness barrier I have been feeling working remotely from my team. I learned new lessons about life and the French culture, and so I am still thankful of the experience.
Life can indeed be full of funny ironies. You may expect the worst but somehow things still has a way of coming to you in a way you didn't imagine. At the same time, you may also expect something good but you get surprised to find things come to you in a betterway. So love can still strike the second time around, just like when you pick a grape and taste it to find out it is not ripe enough, so you wait for the right time to make the perfect wine.
So for the mean time, au revoir, le Paris! but hopefully, a' bientot! ;0)
Dont go to Paris just to find a french kiss..bcos they're a bad kisser. ( just kiddin')
However, i could actually understand your feelings...We tend to feel so sad when it's time to part from each other.
No matter what it is, its still sad to leave something behind after we got to know them, especially when we quietly had developed some kind of feelings.
You are a Sentimental person Foyan.
I'm French and discover your blog tonight... Thanks for your nice comments about Paris.
I hope you return home with a lot of good "souvenirs" from France, and that you will be able to come back here for visiting us soon. You're welcome.
Didier (Paris photo blog)
Hi Foyan
Great vacation u had there..Paris, the city of Romance. And happy for you that you had a lot of fun and definitely enjoyed it very much.
So, did you got hook with one of those French guys?..hee
Or did u left ur heart in ...Paris
p/s thanks for dropping by, appreciate it..
Sofia wants to go visit Paris, but it is not on my list of places to go.
Were you hoping to find romance or is it a metaphor for finding a greater closeness?
So this was a team building exercise for your company? I always maintain professional relationships with my coworkers, but I do not make friends with them.
Heya all!
Prince Romp - yup, im really sentimental (and i think so are you, heehee =P )
transall - thanks for dropping by my blog. i did have many memories as souvenirs from Paris. I'd like to go back there when I'm already French speaking though.
Sassy - last time I checked my heart is still with me (heehee).
Richard - it was a metaphor. usually when I am sent on work assignment to a foreign country I get attached to the place but in the case of Paris, I did not, that's why I was sad...but im kind of expecting it because I was in Paris only for 3 weeks so there were not much chance while my previous work assignments I were there for months.
Yup, the team building activity, I suppose is a usual thing in my company since teams work in different offices around the globe and i believe it makes a big difference in work relationships to get to know the person you're working with in person rather than just know them by email address ;o)
Of course you will see Paris again...once is never enough.
you can always have your french kiss elsewhere. maybe you can have it here in singapore lah! hihihi
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