Saturday, November 28, 2009

Expected Acceleration?

I don't even know where to start. I am thousands of meters up in the sky, on my way back from a one week work assignment in Taipei to Singapore, my home for a little over 4 years now. I am thinking of writing about what has happened over the past few months - why I haven't been writing and why I may have seemed away from the virtual world. Let's see how far I could go, with less than an hour before touchdown.

I could actually summarize all the reasons into one sentence: I have been busy in love.

But of course I shouldn't stop my explanation with that because I don't want to make it look like I abandoned one of my greatest passions in life (that is, writing), just because I found the man of my dreams and I am building a new life. Yes, it has been a year of changes and adjustments now -- got engaged, got new friends, got a new job, got a new place,and getting a new marital status next all came one after the other, practically changing my lifestyle and up to now I am still trying to catch up. Not that I'm saying it's been tough, because it has been happy, blissfully happy actually, but of course, with those occasional little rocks. Did I think I was not ready for this sudden fast turn of pages in my life? Hmmnn, I didn't think so. Just think about all those years that I had been feeling that void, that loneliness that I was trying hard not to let consume me. I knew things would change when I find the right man and I was anticipating that much.

Now my question is, have the people around me been ready for my change of life? I know they are all happy for me but I know that they had to adjust. I just hope that they understand and that they don't take it against me. When before I was just little miss single unattached supergirl that has lots of spare time, now I have to balance my time to all the roles I have, not forgetting to still have my own alone time. I wish I could extend time, but well, a day remains at 24 hours. But although my priorities have changed, I hope they know that I am still the same person. I still value them very much. And I am trying my best to catch up.