Monday, February 22, 2010

That Funny Children's Cartoon with a Phineas

During our quick getaway last weekend at Bintan, Indonesia, my husband and I were about to go out of our room to enjoy the beach when this cartoon on Disney Channel called Phineas and Ferb got me amused so I asked my hubby if we could stay in the room and just finish the episode "The Lake Nose Monster".

I swear that this episode is one the most hilariously funny scripts I've heard and I can totally say that it's almost equivalent to an episode of Friends. Not that this cartoon is for adults, this is a cartoon that is appropriate for kids indeed, but written with such a wit that would appeal to grown ups too. Just do not mispronounce Phineas or for sure it would definitely sound like an adult cartoon, hahaha (it's pronounced Fee-nee-yas, how did you pronounce it first? :P )

There's something we found interestingly bizarre about this cartoon too. Ferb and the Dad have British accents. My husband guessed that Phineas and Ferb could be step brothers. I dismissed this and said probably not because kids' cartoon usually features a "traditional" family set up. But then, after doing some "research" about this cartoon, I found out that my husband is right, Phineas and Ferb are step brothers! Ferb and his dad are from England and Phineas, his mom and sister Candace, are American (and I should move on, evolve and adjust to the new modern day cartoon world, hahaha).

I actually like it how this cartoon used an unconventional family setting to show realism instead of dysfunction. Even the family pet is unconventional (what other cartoon would have a platypus as a pet! haha)

Anyhow, my husband and I enjoyed this cartoon so much that up to now we are still mimmicking some lines we borrowed from it. Makes me consider to subscribe to Disney channel now, hehehe.

(Snap fingers) OK! :P


Here's the episode. Enjoy!

Part 1

Part 2


MereMakeupManiac said...

wow Bintan! :D

i love Phineas and Ferb too as well as my kids. i actually anticipate what Ferb has to say because he rarely speaks hehe.

Coffee Fairy v1 said...

hahaha, yeah, i like how Ferb rarely speaks and when he does say something, it's profound.

aoi soba said...

back when i used to have a disney channel i do watch that show...i also like the girl in the show :)