Sometimes I wish I was a bit more confrontational when people scold me for doing something that frustrates them when in fact i was just following directions. Like last week I went to the person in charge to get the application form for the season parking in the office building. I specifically asked her where I should pay when I get the form accomplished and signed. She told me I could just go to her.
So that's exactly what I did. This morning, I went to her desk and what did she tell me? "Next time go to the carpark office to pay". I was dumbfounded so it took me some time before I softly said "You told me to go to you to pay".
I wish I could have said it with more conviction and with more emphasis to make sure she'd recall having that conversation with me last week. But I was raised with the virtue of not talking back to elders as a sign of respect. Even if I've been living here for 5 years now, here where a lot of people seem to have this natural instinct to tell it to your face how wrong you are once they got the chance, I am still not used to it. Should I perhaps adapt and be like them? Hmmmn, I think I should just change my perspective.