Monday, October 25, 2010


It's been a year now since my hubby and I purchased our house and so we have started to receive mails on renewal of insurances.

Hubby: Hon, one day next week, let's sit down and look over our house files and discuss which insurance we need to renew.

Me: Really!? But that's such an adult thing to do!

(Hubby suddenly looked like he had the word flabbergasted spelled all over his face )

Me: Oh yeah, I forgot we're adults now. Hihihi (grins and bats eyelashes) :P

The past year has really made me feel like I've fully become an adult, from the combo of getting married and turning 30, then managing our mortgages, the house, the car, etc etc. Sometimes, there are quick flashes in my mind to be stubborn and refuse to accept that I am already a full fledged adult but then I quickly dismiss it as I know I prefer my life now than before during my immature days when I felt lost.

One thing that I noticed about being an adult is that life becomes a little bit slow paced than usual. Maybe it's because being an adult makes one be less impulsive. I used to love to try out rollercoasters and those crazy rides in amusement parks during my younger days, heck perhaps I would've even tried bunjee jumping and sky diving if I was given the opportunity to, the scarier, the better. But now, I just chicken out on these kind of stuff. Last month, when hubby convinced me to ride an indoor roller coaster (Revenge of the Mummy) in Universal Studios Singapore with him at the frontmost seats, I almost hated him during the ride. I was so scared! But then hearing his laughter during the ride was enough for me to calm down my nerves and tell myself to just enjoy that exciting moment. Funny how getting older makes one fear for their dear life, hehehe.

So being an adult means to be more critical in making decisions in life. No wonder it can be a tempting excuse for becoming boring and mundane. But of course, we shouldn't let that happen, right? We should never forget to remain young at heart.

Gosh, what have I just blabbered about?! Now I wonder what I would be writing when I turn 40! Aaack! :s

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Hello Technopark

First it was in the academe, then to the corporate world. Now, is another new adventure: the technopark.

What does this mean?

It means I now work somewhere in the suburbs (away from the central business district) working with local clientele. Instead of working to support people in Finance, my work now makes me deal with Property Managers, Administrative Officers, Engineers and Technicians. And instead of being sent to offices outside Singapore from time to time, I now go to the remote areas around Singapore (now I understand what my hiring manager meant when he asked me during my job interview if I was willing to travel, hehehe).

It's quite a change actually - the work environment, the culture, the pace, the customers...I've been used to working with a global team where we were remotely working with each other. Now, I work with a local team, where we are all sitting together in one area and you can just walk over to one's desk to talk to each other (it is quite funny though to realize that physical proximity does not equate to responsiveness nor to rappor). I am definitely out of my comfort zone right now, being in an industry that I am not familiar about and working on a technology that I don't have technical knowledge about. It shouldn't really be a big deal though, since my role now is more into project management (however, that's another funny thing, being a manager without the title and managing people who are not reporting to you).

Oh well, as what Forrest Gump said, "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get". Yup, not until you dip your hand into that box and see what type of chocolate you got. As for me, on the good day I can learn to like peanut butter chocolate but on a bad day I'd consider throwing it away.

So what day is it today?

Wednesday, October 06, 2010


(*Read with a husky, soft voice*)

I want coffeeeeeee...
My eyes are getting so heavyyyyyyy
I need coffeeeeeee...

Two more hours to burn and it's driving me crazyyyyyyy

I have no choice, it is inevitable this time to get myself some coffee...

Ok, to explain what rubbish I've just written above, it's been a month now since I decided to cut my daily dosage of coffee.

Why am I forsaking coffee now? How can I be the coffeefairy if I don't have coffee?

Well, i'm not really saying goodbye to coffee. Just that this is part of my decision to significantly reduce my caffeine intake. So actually besides coffee I'm also holding off from tea and my other favorite drink, Coke light. I know I can't just go cold-turkey on coffee (i'll go berserk for sure!) so I'm taking this abstinence gradually. I still allow myself to have coffee once a week and on emergency situations (e.g. on a sleepy day at work).

It is not easy to give up coffee especially when you know you have an endless supply of it in the office. There's one time that I really wanted to have one cup because the aroma was sooo inviting so to satisfy myself I got one cup indeed, but I just took a sip and then just smelled the rest of it. Hahaha, pathetic? Nah, that's what I call convincing myself that I am not doing this because I want to punish myself. I need to be healthy and fit and this is one part of making it happen.

I can do this!

Saturday, October 02, 2010

When will it be my turn?

I thought it was today but apparently, it's not (again).

*Big sigh* :,(