It's been a year now since my hubby and I purchased our house and so we have started to receive mails on renewal of insurances.
Hubby: Hon, one day next week, let's sit down and look over our house files and discuss which insurance we need to renew.
Me: Really!? But that's such an adult thing to do!
(Hubby suddenly looked like he had the word flabbergasted spelled all over his face )
Me: Oh yeah, I forgot we're adults now. Hihihi (grins and bats eyelashes) :P
The past year has really made me feel like I've fully become an adult, from the combo of getting married and turning 30, then managing our mortgages, the house, the car, etc etc. Sometimes, there are quick flashes in my mind to be stubborn and refuse to accept that I am already a full fledged adult but then I quickly dismiss it as I know I prefer my life now than before during my immature days when I felt lost.
One thing that I noticed about being an adult is that life becomes a little bit slow paced than usual. Maybe it's because being an adult makes one be less impulsive. I used to love to try out rollercoasters and those crazy rides in amusement parks during my younger days, heck perhaps I would've even tried bunjee jumping and sky diving if I was given the opportunity to, the scarier, the better. But now, I just chicken out on these kind of stuff. Last month, when hubby convinced me to ride an indoor roller coaster (Revenge of the Mummy) in Universal Studios Singapore with him at the frontmost seats, I almost hated him during the ride. I was so scared! But then hearing his laughter during the ride was enough for me to calm down my nerves and tell myself to just enjoy that exciting moment. Funny how getting older makes one fear for their dear life, hehehe.
So being an adult means to be more critical in making decisions in life. No wonder it can be a tempting excuse for becoming boring and mundane. But of course, we shouldn't let that happen, right? We should never forget to remain young at heart.
Gosh, what have I just blabbered about?! Now I wonder what I would be writing when I turn 40! Aaack! :s