Imagine a little lady well dressed up in her brown blouse and beige pants with matching beige high heeled shoes emerging from the train station tunnel to have a view of her new work place. Big black leather bag on her shoulder, she stopped to have a look at the towering building in front of her that would be her new "home".
Ah yes, that excited and scared look in her eyes, just like when she started her first job after college...

My very nice breakfast before I went to my first day on my new work ;O)
So I'm back to the corporate world and I am back to the central business district. Reminds me of the first time I got acquainted with the hussle bussle in the corporate world and all the usual career goal hullahbaloos. Funny when I think about those times last year when I used to have a lot of headache from the stress I had from the corporate world to the point that when I got home after work one night I literally put ice on my head to cool down the throbbing in my forehead that I felt.
When I was just applying for my current job, I did ask myself then if I was ready to go back to the rumble. My previous job at The School was a breather -- I went home right on time, no pressures or tight deadlines, no tedious administrative work...With my new job, I'll be back to the Financial world and when talking about money, everything becomes very critical, thus the stress and pressure. But then again, I feel that I have to return to Finance, as it is my my field of competence. Furthermore, I have a good feeling about my new company and of what will be my job responsibilities. I really can't exactly say why, but I just feel that this job was meant to be for me because first of all I did not look for it, a headhunter just got in touch with me and asked me if I was interested in the job and from his description I had a good feeling. Next is the coincidence that my new company's trademark/logo is of fishes jumping out from fishbowls, just like signifying my life. Last of all, I never could have imagined I'd pass the written technical exam they gave me, plus the three panel interviews I went through. I knew it was God's gift to me, as I think it was the message from my Bible cut (Sirach 17:22-28) the day before the headhunter called me up to tell me I got the job.
Getting this job was indeed a life saving turning point because it made me realize that people do appreciate me and that my skills are indeed giving value to my work delivery and to which I am very happy to know about. My cup overflowed when the headhunter told me that just from our first meeting, he knew that I'd get the job, when my manager from my company way back in the Philippines gave a very good feedback about me when the headhunter interviewed him for my background check, when my current company agreed to pay for the penalty for my premature termination of my contract with my previous employer so that I could start with them in a month's time, and most especially when my manager from my previous work counter offered to make me a permanent employee when I filed for resignation from The School as she told me I have the qualities of a staff she'd really want to keep plus she told me on my last day in The School that if things don't work out well in my new job, I could always go back to The School.These are beyond flattery and I was really, really moved.
So, as I walk on a new path in my journey, I am keeping these memories which will be my inspirations -- across the road, to the 26th floor where I feel that one thing has fallen into place again.
Well, I wish you the very best of luck to your new start on the job or shd I say a new career...
If you have that easy n comfortable feeling on the company n the job I guess its going to work out pretty welln smoothly..
Dont worry too much, like they say, go with the flow...
Happy Weekend gerlfren!
yah, long as u r happy, everything will be least there's more food choices in the CBD? heh
Why so sentimental lately...?
Did you really missed 'the school' or u just to happy with ur new job?
I tried to imagine a little lady well dressed up her brown blouse and beige pants with matching beige high heeled shoes emerging from the train station tunnel to have a view of her new work place.
Suddenly she screams out...
"Yess...Good money, good money..."
I'm sure you'll do fabulous, Tita Foy! :) Love you.
You remind me of myself when I got headhunted for me new job! :)
And I think I do agree with Prince Romp - we should be shouting - "SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!" hahaha....
I feel the same too when the headhunter and the bosses gave very good reviews on my interviews. I have to go through 7 freaking rounds - so it's really quite stressful.
But hey, both of us are gonna work in the financial district ya? We should meet up for lunch!
Lemme know when u are starting soon - and maybe we can catch up when I start work on May 30. :P
Best wishes in your new career.
Aack! What happened to my comment? I know I left one here yesterday. The same thing happened a few days ago at another blog. sigh.
Anyway, that looks like a pretty Western style breakfast.
The problem with stress in the workplace is that it can be insidious. You can be stressed and not realize it. I remember in my previous job, I had lots of health problems (migraines, cold sweats at night, general low grade fever – which persisted despite building changes). After leaving the company, I suddenly realized under what a pressure I had been.
I hope you enjoy your new job and it brings you much satisfaction and reward.
Sadly, Bible cutting has never worked for me. Although, I do like the book of Sirach. I find St. Joseph can be a great interceder.
Hello gerlfren sassy! Thanks for the greeting. =)
Cavalock, yes indeed I am happy to have many choices to eat from now. ;o)
Prince, pare, yea im sentimental about leaving my previous work because of the friends I've made there but im happy with my new work. Hmm, it's not really because of the money but more for my career growth..but I like how you pictured me screaming, haha =P
Dead fairy, thanks for the greeting. I hope you are doin fine.
Elvina, wow! 7 rounds of interview!? You really deserve the job gal! =) I've already started work and I'd love to meet up with you sometime, I'll drop you an email ok?
Richard, yup it's a Western breakfast indeed with blueberry spread for the bread from a nice restaurant inside the train tunnel. Interesting to note that stress can really happen to one unconsciously.
Is St. Joseph the patron for lost things? My mom told me she used to have Novena for lost things she wanted to find and it worked for her. I made a Novena to St. Joseph years ago for me to find Mr. Right but I wonder why I got Mr. Wrong instead, maybe I misread the message from my Novena...
Alanita, im glad to see you drop by my blog again. Thanks for the greeting! =)
My dear everyone, I hope I have more time to read over you blogs everday but I have been so busy (and my computer is currently occupied mostly by my sis) that I am having a hard time finding time to update even my own blog. Hopefully I can catch up with you.
St. Joseph is patron saint for many things (and countries) including: workers, fathers, families, carpenters, the universal church, the dying.
One problem with relationships is people are often willfully blind. The human desire for companionship is very strong and our minds are often filled with many wonderful romantic stories, that we do not rationally look at a prospective partner.
I think you need to be friends first before getting into a relationship - there is a lot you can discover about a person before you get cozy with them. My first rule would be: don't expect to change the person, accept them as is or forget about them. Rule two: make sure you know important details about the desires, hopes and dreams of the person. Third rule: make sure it has an objective and not just because "it feels good" - I know far too many jaded women who are still single because they kept waiting for the guy.
Do you remember the story of Elijah seeking out God on the mountain?
... there was a great wind, so strong that it was splitting mountains and breaking rocks in pieces before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire; and after the fire a sound of sheer silence. When Elijah heard it, he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave 1 Kings 19 11-13
I believe love is like that, not violent, but a quiet silence. must be pretty busy now.
I've learned a few tagalog...
hopefully there's no 'taranta do' in your new office. hee hee
People who are 'taranta' sucks.
Sige sige.
Richard, I agree with you, romantic love with friendship as foundation is always the best. I like how you put it, "Love is not violent, but a quiet silence". Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on that. =)
Pare, so far I don't think there is someone like that in my new job (thank God!) But oh no, I don't really like to use that word because it's not a wholesome word to say, it's like cursing. =(
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