Saturday, January 07, 2012

Move on

I've got two major things to start this year.

The first thing is something that already happened last year but which didn't work out and caused me some great emotional and mental trauma. So going through it again makes me want to say "here we go again" but since I want to keep a positive outlook, I try to say "maybe this is the time" instead.

The second thing is something I've been wanting to do for a long time but which I could only do now because now I feel it is the right time for it. Thinking about it happening gives me that exciting feeling of butterflies in my stomach, a familiar feeling that makes me feel alive.

Both things will define a new chapter of my life and although the first thing is actually
my greatest dream right now, it is the second thing that I invest more feelings at because of the uncertainty that the first thing has and I don't want to have my hopes up. Rather, I'd like to treat the first thing as a bonus if it happens as obsessing about it has made me put my life on hold and I shouldn't anymore do that. The second thing, at least, is something I have some control of.

So there, that's me moving on and hopefully, this brings me to where I want to be, and that is, where I'll be happy.

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