Wednesday, November 06, 2013

How to be cool

I've been thinking, I want to be cool.
A cool mom, a cool wife, a cool gal, just a cool person. You know, someone who laughs at her own mistakes, still calm even when everything is in chaos, doesn't feel sour when things don't go as planned, won't snap when getting impatient, will not lose it even when provoked, like that.
But it's hard to transform into that, because I think in order to be cool, you'll need to off load a lot of emotions which means you might end up becoming indifferent. So I ask myself, would I rather be someone who has no angsts and does not take a stand or someone who fights for what she believes in?
It's a tricky choice, but as always, the right answer is, balance. It's all about balance. *bow*

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