Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Picture these

There are two pictures that has disturbed me today and though I would like to talk about them I am not posting them here, nope nope nope, too disturbing for me, sowee. =S

The first one was a picture of an accident in Ayala Avenue in Makati City (which they said happened last Monday, March 13). A man was hit and killed by a passenger bus.
Picture this: A dead guy lying on the street, face literally flat sideways, and his brain literally popped out from his skull and laid a foot away from his head.
It was enough for me to almost barf out and lose my apetite, I had a hard time trying to convince myself to eat lunch (thanks to Omar for sending me that pic, arrrgh =/ ).

The second picture was something that I got from a discussion with Mhean and Maia, my collegues and lunch buddies. They told me about this picture that won pulitzer prize.
Picture this: A famine stricken child from Sudan who was crawling her way to a United Nations food camp and behind her was a vulture that seems to be waiting for the child to die so it could eat it.
OK, here's a link, you be the judge-->
It really disturbed me how the photographer was able to take that photo and even get credit for it. He did not at all help the poor child. Anyway, I think the photographer realized it too, as he commited suicide three months later, apparently, from depression.

But I still remember the ultimate picture, well, actually it was a video, that has disturbed me big time. It was the video footage of the killing of a Korean hostage of an Iraqi terrorist group. It showed how the hostage was beheaded using a medium sized knife slowly but sharp enough to slit through his whole neck! It was too much! Beheading using one quick slash (like if a samurai or sword is used) is already disturbing but seeing one get beheaded in a slow manner is just purely unexplainable! I could not imagine how those men could take what they were doing!!! I think for one whole day I could not take my mind off the video, it was like playing in my mind over and over again. Arrrghhh!!! =/

Gosh, I should stop here before I get permanently disturbed.
Erase, erase, erase.

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