Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things about themselves. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well and state the rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says you are tagged in their comments and tell them to read your blog.
Ok, I've been tagged by missy gclefchic and this is a long overdue entry. Most of my lovely friends have been tagged too and have already written their own share of peculiarity. As you can see I'm using the word peculiar here instead of weird -- wala lang, para pa-cute lang, haha. :P
So here goes:
1) I had eaten dog meat. Oh yes, I had and I am not saying this to alarm animal rights groups about a certain Coffee-fairy-dog-eating-monster. As you could see, the first sentence was in past tense. It was way, way back around twenty years ago in my province in the Philippines where dog meat had been a delicacy. Of course, being a young little kid then, I couldn't help but be curious and try it, it was served on the dinner table, anyway. Oh, and usually the slaughtered dogs were actually mad dogs, you know, dogs that seemed to have lost their mind, hehe. But well I stopped being amused by this practice after one day, I was looking for my dog, Runnery, (we have many cross-breed dogs in our provincial home and usually when there's a dog who gave birth, me and my cousins will name a dog for each one of us), and found out she was the unlucky pick of the day by my Uncles (sigh) :(
2) Unless it's a matter of life and death (ok ok, that was too exaggerated :P) you cannot make me eat with food on a trayplate, especially on a stainless tray. You know, the rectangular foodtray like those in hospitals and this is exactly the reason why I don't feel comfortable eating on them -- I don't feel comfortable in hospitals. There is also this annoying screeching sound that is made when the utensils slide on the stainless tray. Then, it may not be as evident, but I am particular with my utensils too. If possible, I'd like my spoon and fork to be matching and heavy.
Ang arte ko ba? hehe. :P
3) I am not ticklish at my foot soles. This was something I just taught to myself. I think I was around 10 when I thought feeling ticklish at your foot soles was a weakness and makes you quite helpless when there are people who wants to get something from you and will tickle your foot until you say yes. So I restrained the ticklish feeling, mind over matter as they say, and surprise surprise, I was able to actually un-feel it.
4) I am afraid to eat ginger or food with ginger because there was this time years and years ago that I had allergy attacks, as in rashes all over my face my body that I literally looked like a hag, and it was soooo painfully itchy that the only thing I could do to not feel it was to sleep. The only common thing in the food that I ate before the allergy attacks was ginger, so I concluded it was ginger. So initially I have avoided eating anything with ginger, but now I can eat food with ginger but I do not eat the ginger and I am still afraid when I accidentally eat ginger, that my allergy attack will happen again.
5) It makes me cringe when people crunch their knuckles. I'm not sure if that was the correct term but I hope you get what I mean, it's when you clutch your fingers with your other hand into a knuckle and crunch it. Ewww, the sound makes me have goosebumps.
6) I have a little red mark on my right eye. I'm not sure if this is a birthmark, it's not really evident on pictures but I remember having it since I was a child. Anyway, there is also one little thing about my eyelashes. When I was a kid the elders have been telling me how I had very long and curly eyelashes that to emphasize their point, they used to put matchsticks on my lashes and the sticks would not fall. I got curious after hearing about it and I did try it myself and it was true! Well, this isn't actually unique to me, I'm sure many could do this too (just remember not to light the matchstick, ok? :P), but I just found it weird how the point was emphasized. :)
Alrighty, there's my 6 peculiarities. Now I have to tag six people but most of blogger friends have already been tagged so here's what I'm gonna do: I'm tagging anyone who has read this and has not been tagged. hehehe. You're tagged!!! :P