Sunday, January 08, 2006

Love is in the airport

Sitting here at the airport, waiting for my sister’s flight to depart before I leave.
Indeed there is such a special feeling in airports, this feeling of loneliness in departure area, and a feeling of excitement in arrival area. But the former is more distinct.

Just like now I am feeling that particular feeling seeing my sister make her way to immigration. We made a quick hug. We’ll see each other next week again anyhow, but still I feel lonely, surprisingly. I’m sure going to miss her company. It’s really amazing how quality time can bond you more, probably because we know we only have limited time so we make the most out of it, unlike when we were living in the same house, where we know that we spend all the time together so we take it for granted, we allow ourselves to tolerate conflicts and misunderstandings. The same applies to any relationship, be it siblings, parents-daughter, husband-wife.

If only people can live their life without taking time for granted. Relationships would be more meaningful, more harmonious and happy, no need to suffer from unnecessary conflicts, confrontations or cold shoulders.

And so again today I have again proven that physical distance can actually make one closer to other's hearts.


Anonymous said...

you know very well foyan that i hate airports

Anonymous said...

same here dear. Mixed emotions .... and again.....
more of reality and maturity setting in, everytime you leave the airport.
It's more of appreciating what you had...the connection..the moments..the time with the person...rather than saying goodbye....
i dunno. i remembered when i watched my parents waving goodbye while I watched their figures fade from the distance
senti talaga itu?