Answer the questions of the man beside you. You never know, an interesting conversation might come up from it.
For example:
While waiting for the release of their driver's license cards....
Man said, " Renewing your driver's license?"
She turned to the man and he looked like he was in his late 40's. She answered yes.
He said his license was expired for almost a year since he was assigned down in the Southern part of the country. He said he was from the Navy.
She said hers was expired for only a month.
"Ah, so you have not driven for a month?" he said. "Yes" she answered, trying to limit the conversation.
But he goes on and asked her how she got to the license renewal office if she hadn't been driving. She answered she took the cab. He then asked "Why didnt your husband drop you off?"
(Ting! There it went, seemed like a usual pick up line.) She answered she had no husband.
He suddenly seemed to become more interested in the conversation. She didn't like it.
So his follow up question was the famous "Why dont you have a husband yet?"
She's been asked the same question before and usually her answer would be the truth: because she does not have a boyfriend yet.
But this time she knew better. Saying she doesnt have a boyfriend would only make the man more eager. So this started her creative mind. She said, "My boyfriend has not proposed yet." (Ha! She almost laughed out loud!) But he did not stop there. He said he'd guess why, her boyfriend is abroad. She wasnt expecting that assumption so she paused for a couple of seconds before saying yes. The man seemed pleased that his guess was correct (or so he thought). She thought that should be the end of the conversation. But no was she wrong.
He asked her something (she forgot what is was) which led her to answer with half truth. She told him she'd be on her way to the airport that afternoon on the same day. He asked where she was off to, she answered, Singapore.
And another unsolicited assumption, he said, "Ah, so that's where your boyfriend is and you're going to him?". She didnt know how to answer him, so she just agreed before it became obvious that she was bluffing. Then she gave a follow up to that bluff, she said she'd be staying for a week. He said that was too short, she should stay for a month. She said it would depend if her company would allow her to be away for a month, she said she'd try to ask if she could.
Finally, the man's name was called out and he was given his new driver's license.
And the funny conversation ended.
But her sadness started.