~While waiting at Changi airport for Debbie, one of my best friends since High school: It's impossible for me to read/study when I wait in excitement.
~While spending 6 hours in Changi airport to wait for our flight to Siem Reap: Waiting is not a drag when you have somebody to talk to. Even if the flight is an hour delayed. :)
~Upon arrival at Siem Reap International Airport: Impressive! An airport that looks like a resort!
~After passing the Immigration: Unbelievably, there is one place in the world that the Philippine passport is more privileged than the powerful passports (e.g. American, European, Singaporean, Japanese). All foreign visitors to Cambodia are required to get a visa except for nationals from Brunei, Philippines, Thailand, and Malaysia. Yeah baby! ;-)
~On my first glimpse of Siem Reap: The place reminds me of Nueva Ecija, my province in the Philippines, except that in Siem Reap, hammocks are part of their life, almost all houses have hammocks.
~While touring the floating village in Siem Reap's river,Tonle Sap (Asia's largest river): People who live along the lake must have really strong arms from all those paddling to move around...
~On the Land Mine museum: I was expecting for a typical museum but voila! But it's still nice for me and it's free!
~On Siem Reap going about: Whoa! I was like in an American France or a French America - An interesting irony in Cambodia is that you can buy everything by using US dollars and yet all around the place are French translations.
~On the elephant ride: I felt like a princess being paraded around. haha. =P
~On eating green mangoes and almost a pint of ice cream: I should never ever do this again. Lactose intolerance plus wrong food combination equals stomach revolution.
~On tomb raiding the temples of Angkor Thom, Bayon and Angkor Wat: Magnificent is an understatement. Just be ready with your legs, need to do a lot of walking around and climbing to
explore them.
~On our dinner at our last night in Siem Reap: I felt so privileged that our tour guide took us to a non-tourist place, as in it was the usual restaurant of the locals where the guests had their own little hut with hammocks (of course) on the sides and in the middle is the table without legs and no chairs so it was like Japanese style. We played cards while waiting for our food.
~On our tour guide asking me and Debbie how long we've known each other: Almost fourteen years! Oh my God, has it been that long now?!
~On having a tour guide: Having a tour guide does not mean there will be no spontaneity. With limited time of stay, one could not afford to lose time experimenting how to go about. And it depends on the itinerary as well. Our tour guide, Vichet is the best! Thanks a million to missy G-Clef for recommending him to us.
~On this trip in general: One of my best travels! I love love love! =D

*Photocredits to me and Debbie. ;-)
I can't believe it has been mor ethan a week since I last visited. Those photos of Cambodia are simply fantastic. You make me wish I was there. sigh.
Cambodia is really fantastic! You should see it one day, Richard. :)
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