Monday, January 30, 2006

How to become a mushroom


Rule 1: Learn to love the dark and avoid sunlight.

Rule 2: Learn to spend at least 8 hours inside your room (without sunlight coming in of course).

Rule 3: Always wear dark and dull colored clothes. Do not wear bright colors!

Rule 4: Keep your privacy bubble implemented at all times. No person 6 inches within proximity.


With acknowledgement given to the brains of the Rules -- her highest mushroomness, Miss Nina.
Wisdom shared to novice one rainy mushroom night in Border's bookstore.

Operation Nightlife: The Battleplan


WHEN:It was a Friday night, a week before the 2006 Lunar New Year.

SUBJECT: Three ladies got together in a Cafe', talked and laughed their hearts out.

Then the two of them danced along Orchard Road to the music by the street performers, the other one pretending not to know them.

(Haha, come on Nina, let's do the cha cha cha! Juan Talamera.....Juan Talameraaaaaaaa......)

Not a bit shy on what they were doing, didn't mind the look from other people, they seemed amused anyway.

What more when the three ran, racing each other to the traffic light.

One coke, one tea, and one jelly dessert after, the battleplan was laid out:

No intruders will be allowed in the system, only interfaces can be tolerated.

TARGET: And the mushroom society was born.

I am Flor..ence?!

What's in a name? Rather, what's with my name?

One day in office, while I was busy trying to be a diligent information systems analyst, I heard a voice from a distance...

"Florence...", the voice said. I thought it was just my imagination so I dismissed it. But I heard it again, "Florence?" Then I realized it was my local colleague on the other side of the office cubicle calling me. From then on, he has been consistently calling me Florence. I don't know why he pronounce my name as such, Florianne doesn't at all sound like Florence, does it? He must know how my name is spelled, he receives emails from me and sends emails to me. But I didn't mind because he's way too senior to be corrected anyway (hehehe =P ). Besides, it is my mother's name and I like her name anyway. Still, only the first four letters are the same, ya know.

Then one day, I heard another voice say "Florence". When I realized it was from another collegue (and he is one of those very few "cool" local colleagues) from the side of the cubicle behind my desk, I then thought he must have heard my name pronounced as such by my senior collegue so he has adopted the same.

However, the funny thing is that in church as well, when our head local catechist introduced me to my class, she introduced me guessed it right, "Florence"! So I realized, the mysterious pronouciation of my name must be because of the local language.

But here's the weirder thing, during our Department's Chinese New Year gathering, when the emcee called out "Florence" as one of the seven finalists for best dressed staff , although I did hesitate for a moment before standing up, I already had an almost sure feeling that it was me he was referring to. Well, I was half hoping that maybe there was really a Florence in our department although I know there isn't from our staff directory..but just to be sure though before I stood up and got up to the front. The finalists were then asked to walk around the place (imagine me trying to suppress my itch to do something silly like do a catwalk or make a pagent-like wave...just to make the event fun, ya know, ahihihi =P). Then the rest of the staff were asked to give their votes by dropping a toothpick in one of the seven bowls with each of the finalists' names. After the winners were announced and we started queueing to the buffet table did I take a peek at the names in the bowl and guess how was my name spelled...F-L-O-R-E-N-C-E !!! What the?!?!

So, the whole department now thinks my name is Florence and I am quite sure that name stuck in their minds (because I had the second most number of votes, tee hee =P ) but it will puzzle them that they couldn't find me in the staff directory.

But that is the mystery to my name and the locals, so c'mon, let's hear it one more time:

give me F-L-O-R-I-A-N-N-E ................what do we get?

FLORENCE!!! wuhu!

Saturday, January 28, 2006

My prayer

Dear Lord,
As I walk one step forward, please guide me
May I fear not what has been behind my back
Let me leave them with a sure heart and mind
Let me face my fate now with all the grace
As You will always be my life's editor
Correcting any mistake I make along the way
That when the time comes for me to be with You
I will be welcomed with open arms.

Yes, Lord, I will let you write my love story.
Blessed be.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Chapter N begins

Initially, I told myself that for chapter N, it will start with something like a new blank page. Then the words that would be written will be all new, all in present or future, with no reference to the past. But then that would actually be inconsistent on having a chapter N, isn't it? Because to have a chapter N there must have been a chapter N-1, and in order for chapter N to be a part of the book, it must have a reference to those written in previous chapters.

So, much as I would like things to start with an eternal-sunshine-of-the-spotless-mind-type, I cannot.
I tried for so many times already, especially in Chapter N-2 but I just have to accept that even those we want to erase from our book because we think they are worthless are still actually essential, because we wouldn't be writing Chapter N without them.

Oh, why do I call it chapter N? Why not a specific number?
Well, because I dont know exactly when was Chapter 1, all I know is that I know that a chapter ends and a new one begins, thus, Chapter N. Somewhat funny about this N thing is that silentwaves actually started with the intent of a countdown to N days of waiting for someone which turned out to be a most impossible thing to happen (imagine counting to infinity!). Only three people knew about the existence of silentwaves then, until now that I had the guts to finally introduce it to everyone... never too late to get out of the shell, right? ;-)

And so now, silentwaves can be heard....just listen.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


And the waves are silent
As a chapter ends and a new one begins...

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Friday the 13th

Less than 12 hours and I'll be on my way home again.

I cant really describe exactly how I am feeling since I got off from work. My feelings are all in a mess, but dominantly I feel sad and it is what the exact reason I feel so that is unidentifiable. Because there are a lot of reasons that my emotions are so mixed up right now. I really can't think straight, all I know is I feel so tensed and lonely.

I hope things work out for the best.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

2 bottles of beer + 1 hazelnut coffee = Riverside insanity

I don't usually drink beer but that night I had 2 bottles. It was a surprise to me actually, as never have I finished even a bottle of beer in my life but that night I was able to drink 2 bottles! Maybe because it was a different brand, it was an Australian beer that the Hooters girl recommended, she said it had a smooth taste, maybe she was right ...or maybe it was just because I wanted to drink, so no matter what brand it could have been I still would have finished two.

Anyway I had a great time with one of my best girlfriends. I am really so glad to have gone out with her that night, she's been such a great friend and I so much appreciate her friendship, she's one of those who keep me have a check with reality and at the same time still believe in the mysteries of love.

It was a night to remember indeed. Just like the night when I stood in the rain and a beautiful snapshot in my life was created.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Love is in the airport

Sitting here at the airport, waiting for my sister’s flight to depart before I leave.
Indeed there is such a special feeling in airports, this feeling of loneliness in departure area, and a feeling of excitement in arrival area. But the former is more distinct.

Just like now I am feeling that particular feeling seeing my sister make her way to immigration. We made a quick hug. We’ll see each other next week again anyhow, but still I feel lonely, surprisingly. I’m sure going to miss her company. It’s really amazing how quality time can bond you more, probably because we know we only have limited time so we make the most out of it, unlike when we were living in the same house, where we know that we spend all the time together so we take it for granted, we allow ourselves to tolerate conflicts and misunderstandings. The same applies to any relationship, be it siblings, parents-daughter, husband-wife.

If only people can live their life without taking time for granted. Relationships would be more meaningful, more harmonious and happy, no need to suffer from unnecessary conflicts, confrontations or cold shoulders.

And so again today I have again proven that physical distance can actually make one closer to other's hearts.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Instinct vs paranoia

It is quite hard to distinguish these two.
But so far, I have proven that the paranoia I thought are actually part of my instinct and so far most of the time it is right so I trust it. The times when I ignored my instinct it led me to terrible circumstances. So now I feel more what my instinct is saying to me.
I discovered my instinct can either give me good or bad signals. Good signals mean I could proceed with what I am doing and feeling, bad signals mean something is wrong and should be corrected. So good signal or bad signal? That is the question.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

What to do while renewing your driver's license?

Answer the questions of the man beside you. You never know, an interesting conversation might come up from it.

For example:

While waiting for the release of their driver's license cards....
Man said, " Renewing your driver's license?"
She turned to the man and he looked like he was in his late 40's. She answered yes.
He said his license was expired for almost a year since he was assigned down in the Southern part of the country. He said he was from the Navy.
She said hers was expired for only a month.
"Ah, so you have not driven for a month?" he said. "Yes" she answered, trying to limit the conversation.
But he goes on and asked her how she got to the license renewal office if she hadn't been driving. She answered she took the cab. He then asked "Why didnt your husband drop you off?"
(Ting! There it went, seemed like a usual pick up line.) She answered she had no husband.
He suddenly seemed to become more interested in the conversation. She didn't like it.
So his follow up question was the famous "Why dont you have a husband yet?"
She's been asked the same question before and usually her answer would be the truth: because she does not have a boyfriend yet.
But this time she knew better. Saying she doesnt have a boyfriend would only make the man more eager. So this started her creative mind. She said, "My boyfriend has not proposed yet." (Ha! She almost laughed out loud!) But he did not stop there. He said he'd guess why, her boyfriend is abroad. She wasnt expecting that assumption so she paused for a couple of seconds before saying yes. The man seemed pleased that his guess was correct (or so he thought). She thought that should be the end of the conversation. But no was she wrong.
He asked her something (she forgot what is was) which led her to answer with half truth. She told him she'd be on her way to the airport that afternoon on the same day. He asked where she was off to, she answered, Singapore.
And another unsolicited assumption, he said, "Ah, so that's where your boyfriend is and you're going to him?". She didnt know how to answer him, so she just agreed before it became obvious that she was bluffing. Then she gave a follow up to that bluff, she said she'd be staying for a week. He said that was too short, she should stay for a month. She said it would depend if her company would allow her to be away for a month, she said she'd try to ask if she could.
Finally, the man's name was called out and he was given his new driver's license.
And the funny conversation ended.
But her sadness started.

The Kiss

Eyes meet and lock
Saying I love you in silence
Lips form shy smiles
Hands hold, he kisses her hand
He touches her face
She closes her eyes and breathes
Eyes open and meet again
Slowly, lightly, lips touch
Embraces each other
Under the dim moonlight
With the music of the waves
Saying this is the kiss.
...But alas she wakes up and realize she was just daydreaming.