This morning I was woken up by a light sound of music playing. I reached for my Ipod laying on the couch beside my bed. With half opened eyes I switched it off but not after looking at the title of the song: Stand by Me by Oasis. I hesitantly looked around my room, almost expecting to see someone or something...because this was the third consecutive day that I have been awoken up by my Ipod suddenly playing music. Plus, it played the same song! Stand by Me...perhaps it's a message from...a restless soul who needs a friend?!?! 

OH MY GOD! Is this the indication that I have a 6th sense!?!?
Before I got more spooked I went back to sleep.
The first time I experienced it the other day, I thought my Ipod was turned on accidentally because it was not locked and perhaps the buttons got touched by something inside my bag. Yesterday it was not inside my bag but was laying face down so I thought it was the buttons getting accidentally pushed again. But today, I clearly remember my Ipod was laying face up on my couch, no way that its buttons would be accidentally be pushed by something!
Of course, as a person working in the Information Technology industry, I must think first that there should be a technical explanation for this: Voila! After enquiring with my friends (which spooked them a little as well) and scrutnizing my Ipod functions, I confirmed that as I have suspected, an Ipod has an alarm setting! My Ipod was set to alarm at 6:15am!
But still, it doesn't explain it all because I did not set that alarm. So who did?
Since my Ipod is a hand-me-down from my lil sis, she must have set it. But after asking her, I learned that she did not.
Before getting convinced that it was due to something supernatural, I had to think of some good explanation for this. I've been using this Ipod for more than 3 months now but I've not experienced this until three days ago.....hmmmnnn.

Yes! Yes! Yes!
Although.............why 6:15 and not 6:00?
Isn't it that usually the default time setting is at the exact hour?!
and look at that..
you'v posted this blog at 6:51 PM!
how spooky can that be.
ah eh missy..hellow, takutin ba daw ang sarili..??!?!?!
yikes! 6:51!!! waaaah, tinatakot mo din ako eh! hehehe. :P
hah...that is a funny tale.
hehehe. Thanks Cavalock :)
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