Sunday, May 06, 2007

Lollipops and memories

A Singaporean colleague gave me a Chupa Chups lollipop today. She said it tastes good and can be addictive. I asked her if she's tried the Chupa Chups lollipop with bubblegum on top, the one where you have to finish the candy first until you get the bubblegum inside, I used to like it as a kid, blah blah blah... She paused and was silent for a few seconds, with a facial expression that seemed to be wondering what in the world I was talking about. Then she said a reminder that amused me for the day: "we don't have that lollipop here, that's bubblegum".

Good point.

How can I forget that bubblegum is forbidden to be sold here in Singapore? Haha. =P

So I thought of another Chupa Chups lollipop in mind, the one with a whistle (Melody Pop) and asked her about it. Her face lightened up and she replied that she likes that one too.
There ya go.
Haha. :)


Anonymous said...

cute! hehehe~jowe

Coffee Fairy v1 said...

hehehe. Nami-miss ko na rin ang bubblegum.