Monday, January 30, 2006

How to become a mushroom


Rule 1: Learn to love the dark and avoid sunlight.

Rule 2: Learn to spend at least 8 hours inside your room (without sunlight coming in of course).

Rule 3: Always wear dark and dull colored clothes. Do not wear bright colors!

Rule 4: Keep your privacy bubble implemented at all times. No person 6 inches within proximity.


With acknowledgement given to the brains of the Rules -- her highest mushroomness, Miss Nina.
Wisdom shared to novice one rainy mushroom night in Border's bookstore.


Anonymous said...


Abhor mushy things!

Instill on your mind that a perfect man never exist. Newver was, never is and never will be.

Nak ngtokwa nasobrahan ba kayo sa kakaagok!! nde nyo ng ako tinirahan eh *hikbi*

Coffee Fairy v1 said...

Gotcha! Abhor mushy things!
Agok uli next time, bitin pa yung last time e, di ba Jowe? hehehe ;-)