Highlights of the day:
- Curled my hair and wore cheerleader skirt
- Updated my Yahoo Avatar with heart emitting clouds as background and with cupid flying around and his arrow missing my avatar
- Spent first half of the day at Raffles hotel where I:
~Learned something about database performance monitoring and SQL tuning by Quest Software
~Had 2 cups of brewed coffee and 1 cup of English tea
~Had a sumptuous lunch buffet (seafood in chardonnay sauce was superb!)
~Had to remind myself to remember fine dining table manners when I took the table napkin and fork on my right instead of my left which was the correct set. - Closed a service request that has been haunting me for months now (hallelujiah!)
- Went on a date with Bitter Ocampo (thanks Nina! ^-^ )
Question #1: What kind of English tea dis you drink
Question #2: what does pink rose means?
Question #3: WHat does yellow rose means?
Question #4: Sinong bitter aber?! ABer?!!
Answer#1: Not sure, the label just said English tea.
Answer#2: Pink roses in general symbolize grace and gentility. For more subtle shades of meaning, choose deep pink to stand for gratitude and appreciation. Light pink conveys admiration and sympathy. --from http://www.hugkiss.com/flowermean.shtml
Answer#3: Yellow roses usually stand for joy and gladness, but can also say “try to care.”
--from http://www.hugkiss.com/flowermean.shtml
Answer#4: Si Bitter Ocampo nga eh! hehehe. =P
quite surprised she didn't asked for the blue one... thought it's her fave color? :D
anyhow, it's the only color I like roses to come in :P
kinda not jives with my personality, but I dunno why it's the only appealing rose to me :D
otherwise, fenk still rules, especially if it's tulips! :P
belated happy v-day gurls! ;)
Happy post valentine din sa yo iha ...it's never too late para ibigay mo sa akin ang rocher! chux!
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