This Good Friday is one of my best Good Fridays ever.
Together with Her highest mushroomness (who is now starting to have some chlorophyll due to my insistent prodding, hihihi =P ), we went for Bisita Iglesia (Church visitation). Our initial plan was to do the stations of the cross in 4 churches but decided at the last minute to limit to just 3. First stop was St. Mary of the Angels where we did the first 4 stations of the cross and I toured Her mushroomness around the church compound. Then we had lunch at a nearby hawker where I had Hokkien Mee (I am really getting hooked into the local noodle dishes here) and Her mushroomness, Fried Rice and tofu. Then next church was at Novena Church, but to our surprise there was some kind of program when we got there which we thought was a mass but there shouldn't be mass celebrations on Good Friday so perhaps it was Psalm reading. So we decided to just make a quick prayer and make the rest of the stations of the cross at our last church. So we proceeded to Good Shepherd Church where we read the rest of the remaining 10 stations of the cross.
Together with Her highest mushroomness (who is now starting to have some chlorophyll due to my insistent prodding, hihihi =P ), we went for Bisita Iglesia (Church visitation). Our initial plan was to do the stations of the cross in 4 churches but decided at the last minute to limit to just 3. First stop was St. Mary of the Angels where we did the first 4 stations of the cross and I toured Her mushroomness around the church compound. Then we had lunch at a nearby hawker where I had Hokkien Mee (I am really getting hooked into the local noodle dishes here) and Her mushroomness, Fried Rice and tofu. Then next church was at Novena Church, but to our surprise there was some kind of program when we got there which we thought was a mass but there shouldn't be mass celebrations on Good Friday so perhaps it was Psalm reading. So we decided to just make a quick prayer and make the rest of the stations of the cross at our last church. So we proceeded to Good Shepherd Church where we read the rest of the remaining 10 stations of the cross.
Then we met with Miswa's housemate and the three of us marched our way to the Book warehouse sale (gooooooo bookworms!). When we got there, it was indeed a warehouse full of books! But well, since it was a sale, you have to have the patience to look for good books, they wouldn't put popular books on sale, right? But Miswa's housemate was so good in catching the best books, she got a Pablo Neruda book! So I said to myself I'd do my best to find these type of good books. Along the way, I saw so many books that didn't seem interesting and whose authors I didn't know. I was wondering how sad it would be if I were one of those writers and I'd see my books on sale and people still won't buy them, that would be so heartbreaking. =(
After a couple of hours and S$30 damage in my pocket, I got me 4 books which are far from a Pablo Neruda book, hihihi. But nevertheless, I am so happy to get them. ;o)

Care Bears Official Handbook by Scholastic - I was so ecstatic when I saw this! I'm a Care Bear fan, you know. And here's more, this handbook had a poster of the Care Bears inside! Wowee! It was a treat indeed! Come do the Care Bears countdown, 5 4 3 2 1.. =P

- When I got this book, I thought I already had a paperback copy of this and I just felt like buying a hard bound one so I had second thoughts at first in buying it. But after giving more thought I realized the book I had was not the same book, as the book I already had was Love by Leo Buscaglia. This is a popular book and I've been seeing it in bookstores back home and I knew it was expensive, being hard bound and all and Toni Morrison is Toni Morrison. So yey! I got a good buy.

So after going to the booksale, we had a sumptous seafood platter for dinner at Fish & Co. in Changi Airport. We had ice cream from Swensen's for dessert and finally called it a day.
Unlike many Good Friday's - it was a beautiful and sunny day here.
Wishing you a holy Easter.
Arrrggghh!!! Why put salts in still open wounds!!! I miss the ORLANDO BLOOM book! =P
Happy Easter, Eggsday!
Whoaa...What a Good friday..
You seem really enjoy your 'prodding' your good friend.
The way you describe & expressed the whole experiences into the scenario, makes me feel like Im in your shoe too..
Happy Easter egg mare.
Sige sige
Hi Foyan,
Wishing you a happy easter
Happy easter everyone!
God bless!
Mwah! =)
If you like Orlando Bloom...
I bet you must like to see Richard too..Cos he is more good looking than L.O.R grey hair hero.
but you havent see romp yet...hahaha. Sure puedina.
peram ng Pope John Paul... at Orlando! hahahaa.
had fun last sunday, sarap magpacanton, pahipon at mag-pababoy. hahahah
Foyan po..
I shud say 'pwede na' and not puedina. So Im sori.
Just learning few words.
salamat, magingat n Sige sige.
Chuvanescence - Sure, hiramin mo muna yung Pope John Paul kasi di dami pa ko back log na books. Si Orlando, teka pag-sasawaan ko muna, hahaha. Oist, mag-update ka naman ng blog mo!
oo ang saya nga nung sunday, grabe nun lang ako uli nabusog ng ganun, hehehe.
akosinina - Orlando Bloom is mine! mwahahahaha! Sa'yo na lang si Orlando Blue, ahahaha. =P ok, ok, sige na nga, he's shareware, hihihi. =P
Prince Romp - Hmm, I wonder what Richard says about you comparing him to Gandalf.. heehee (Coz Legolas is blonde =P )
No worries about your Tagalog, I did think you meant "Pwede na" so it's ok, you're doing great on your tagalog. Mahusay! ;o)
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