I had a little scare today when I saw that my one year old has silently crawled over and sat near my leg with her right palm covering her right ear. My first thought was "something hurts in her ear!?". I asked her what's wrong, she wasn't crying nor did she look like she's in pain, in fact she's got that curious look on her face and that's when I realized that she was actually imitating me! You see, I have just gotten off the phone before that. I seldom use my Iphone for voice calls and I guess it's the first time that my toddler observed me do that.
Funny that recently I was trying to teach her how to play with the Fisher Price toy telephone, one of the gifts she got on her birthday, and I realized that this toy was obsolete! I mean whoever uses a rotary dial phone anymore in this era?!? No wonder my toddler has no idea what this toy is, her idea of playing with it is to chew the pull string like it's spaghetti, lol.
I'm not sure why Fisher Price is still selling this toy. I see that they already have toy smart phones (whoa!) and this is what I probably should get my little one.
*Pictures taken from Fisher Price's website.